May 122015
Belmont Farmers' Market

Belmont Farmers’ Market

The Belmont Farmers’ Market opens on Thursday, June 11, 2-6:30 pm, in the Belmont Center municipal parking lot, rain or shine.

An all-volunteer organization celebrating its 10th year, the Market offers a variety of organic and conventionally produced food in a range of prices. Find everything you need for a healthful and satisfying dinner. Visit for vendors and updates.

Food Assistance Programs Benefit the Community

The Market accepts SNAP benefits (food stamps) and matches up to $25 for each SNAP shopper each week, thanks to generous donations to the Market. Benefits are processed quickly and easily at the blue Market tent. Please let your friends and neighbors know about this service so that we can better serve the community.

FarmersMarketlogo-132BIGBWThe Market also works with Food for Free, which collects unsold produce and bread from vendors that would otherwise be wasted and donates it to food pantries and shelters in the greater Boston area. In addition, the Market tent is a weekly collection point for non-perishable food for the Belmont Food Pantry. Check their web site for what’s needed.

For weekly Market news during the season, including performances, guest vendors, and seasonal recipes, sign up for our weekly e-Newsletter at We are an all-volunteer organization, so if you’d like to join our team as a market manager, sign adopter, performance organizer, photographer, newsletter writer, or have an idea about organizing a food/farm-related class, e-mail

The Belmont Farmers’ Market is a project of the Belmont Food Collaborative, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.



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