Bridge cleaning in progress: clean stones on the left contrast with unwashed stones on the right. / Evanthia Malliris
By Grant Monahon
After many years and the efforts of many residents and businesses, Belmont’s 100 year old granite bridge has been cleaned.
The project, initiated by Angelo Firenze when he was a selectman, has been undertaken without public funds. The cleaning was commplished with a combination of town-wide professional support and generous donations to the Belmont Citizens Forum from many residents and businesses, including the Belmont Center Business Association, The Belmont Savings Bank Foundation, and the Flett Co.
The hard work of actually removing the dirt and grime has been possible through the perseverance and energy of Dante Muzzioli, as contractor, with technical advice from Lisa Harrington as a representative of the Belmont Historic District Commission. A new, bright façade on the bridge will match well with the improvements now underway in Belmont Center. Although there may still be a few hard to clean stains yet to be removed, we are now looking at the bridge through the eyes of our forefathers!
The Belmont Citizens Forum is pleased that so many residents have responded to its requests for support. We would like to thank the following corporate donors for their support:
2011 – 2012 donations
Avan Transportation
Belmont Savings Bank
Cathy’s Beauty Salon
Doctoroff Insurance Agency
Dupont Real Estate Inc
F.E. French Construction
Lawndale Realty
Locatelli’s Properties LLC
Marcou Jewelers of Belmont
Pictures in Music
Precision Tile & Marble
VDH design
Watertown Savings Bank
Waverly Auto Exchange
Willows Child Care Academy
2015 donations
Belmont Savings Bank
Belmont Center Business Association
Belmont Citizens Forum
James W. Flett Company, Inc
Anonymous donor $10000
Mark Paolillo has generously agreed to pay water fees for this project.
For a complete list of contributors to the bridge cleaning, visit www.belmontcitizensforum.org
Grant Monahon is President of the Belmont Citizens Forum.
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