May 152018
In early April, Belmont poet Stephanie Burt (far right) and Belmont Citizens Forum director Anne-Marie Lambert (far left) led a group of local residents on a poetry walk through Rock Meadow. The group explored the landscape and history of the area, including a pair of chickadees that inspired the reading of Marianne Moore’s “Smooth Gnarled Crape Myrtle” and a discussion of the ice trade that inspired a reading of Burt’s “Ice for the Ice Trade.”
Burt is a Harvard professor and author of several books of poetry, including Belmont (2014) and Advice From the Lights (2017). The group enjoyed a crisp sunny day, with beautiful views of the meadow and forest, admiring a red-tailed hawk and emerging buds on the trees.
(Radha Iyengar photo)
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