Sep 122018

In the last issue of the Belmont Citizens Forum Newsletter, we asked you to take our reader survey and tell us how we’ve been doing. Thank you to all who participated. We enjoyed your enthusiastic feedback and were inspired by your thoughtful suggestions, including the following:

  • More maps, bigger maps, clearer labeling;
  • Attend Meet Belmont and Town Day to give away old copies to generate interest (Editor’s note: We do this already; hope to see you there next year!);
  • Article suggestions: time-of-day electric billing, commuter rail, continual increases in property taxes, update on Belmont recycling efforts, affordable housing, solar power, electric cars, bike sharing;
  • Most important topics: water quality and pollution; open space; development, zoning, and planning.

We look forward to incorporating your preferences into future issues. It’s not too late for the rest of you to add your input in our five-minute online survey. Just go to  And please feel free to write us with comments or suggestions any time, or to send a letter to the editor


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