By Sara McCabe

Mary Bradley (Katharine Abruzzi photo)
Welcome, Mary Bradley, Co-Editor
Last year when I was working on the July/August issue of the newsletter, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mary Bradley, the founder of Belmont Porchfest. I was struck by her enthusiasm for all things Belmont, not even knowing at the time that she was also a Town Meeting member, a Recreation Commission board member, and co-president of the Belmont Dolphins swim team.
I immediately envisioned putting all that energy to work for the Belmont Citizens Forum (BCF) and somehow managed to convince Mary to lend her talents to the newsletter. After working on the November/December 2018 issue together, we decided to create a formal job-share and name Mary as co-editor.
While we will both work with writers in shaping articles, she will most often take the lead in tracking down new stories, and I will focus on seeing them through to completion with graphics and layout. On behalf of the BCF board and newsletter committee, I’d like to welcome Mary and thank her for helping us get 2019 off to a lively start.
Welcome back, Meg Muckenhoupt, Columnist

Meg Muckenhoupt
As many will recall, Meg Muckenhoupt was editor of this newsletter from 2004 to 2016. But honestly, she never really left. As I was getting my feet wet in the role this past year, she often sent me notices of relevant news and events. I especially appreciated when she added her own amusing or incisive observations. As we started the new year, it occurred to me that I shouldn’t keep all the Meg embellishments to myself. So welcome back, Meg, as our new “Belmont Roots” columnist—a fresh take on our longstanding Environmental Events section. We’re looking forward to getting a piece of your mind every issue.
Sara McCabe is co-editor of the BCF Newsletter
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