Jan 062020
BCF Newsletter 20th Anniversary Issue

BCF Newsletter 20th Anniversary Issue

By Grant Monahon

The goal of protecting Belmont’s small town environment has taken many forms for the Belmont Citizens Forum (BCF) during the last 20 years, and it will undoubtedly take many more directions over the next 20 years. Belmont’s efforts to preserve its natural and historical resources, limit traffic growth, and enhance pedestrian safety will only become more challenging, not less, and we will continue to pursue issues identified as important to our supporters.

As a board, we are mindful that we will need new and younger leadership. We are not going away, but new perspectives would add great value. If you enjoy the BCF Newsletter and support our purposes, we welcome your participation.

Our newsletter has become one of the primary sources of news and information on our targeted subjects. We receive regular feedback on the benefit of receiving a “hard copy” in this age of electronic communication. The labor and cost of printing, labeling, and mailing more than 2,000 copies of the newsletter six times a year, at an annual out-of-pocket cost of more than $13,200 has its own challenges. Where do you draw the line between the benefits of a hard copy physically in hand and the substantial out of pocket costs plus volunteer time required to mail six newsletters annually?

We look forward to the day when we can deed the land we purchased 15 years ago to help establish a long-needed community path with direct access to Alewife. Who wouldn’t want to make that path their daily commute to work rather than adding to our own pollution, congestion, and frustration en route? The town has picked up this baton and is running with it towards the finish line, but this project’s complexity, scope, and political status are challenging. It will be a continued goal for BCF!

BCF is one of many town organizations that help move us forward in the direction of our identified purposes, along with the Belmont Land Trust, the Judy Record Fund, Sustainable Belmont, and others. As I look forward, I have to ask whether there is a role for BCF in helping to consolidate and communicate the overlapping messages of so many like-minded groups.

Our future is open to your input for the path ahead. We would be happy to hear from you.

Grant Monahon (right) at the Belmont Citizens Forum 10th anniversary celebration

Grant Monahon (right) at the Belmont Citizens Forum 10th anniversary celebration

Grant Monahon has had the pleasure to serve as president with so many thoughtful and dedicated board members and supporters for more than 15 years.


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