By Kate Bowen
Work continues with Nitsch Engineering and the Belmont Community Path Project Committee (CPPC) to bring the path to fruition. A public engagement meeting is anticipated in spring 2020. At that meeting, design solutions will be shared and discussed for Phase 1 of the two-phase project, including pinch points such as the former Belmont Municipal Light Department building. The Alexander underpass portion of the project (segment 1A), for which the town received a MassTrails Grant of $150,000, will also be discussed at that meeting. Nitsch Engineering presented two technical options for installing the tunnel alongside the functioning rail system:
Jacking: a relatively slower process that pushes the tunnel pipe through the ground under the rail system without disrupting service.
Cut-and-cover: a relatively faster process which involves cutting the tracks while temporarily disrupting rail service, excavating the area, installing the tunnel’s overhead support system, and replacing the tracks.
Massachusetts Department of Transportation representative Michael Trapanier, Nitsch Engineering, and MBTA officials will be reviewing the related engineering solutions.
Call for logo designs
The CPPC is announcing a logo design contest for the community path project. All community members, especially students, are encouraged to participate. All entries will be acknowledged on the path project website.
For more information, see the Belmont town Community Path page and the recently launched project website.
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