View of Rock Meadow parking lot. Graphic source: “Rock Meadow: a Conservation Master Plan for Belmont, Massachusetts,” Sam Freedman & Taurean Gagnon
Rock Meadow Parking Lot Re-Design Project
Northeastern University Environmental Engineering Co-op Team to Present Design Alternatives at Belmont Conservation Commission Meeting
The Belmont Conservation Commission has engaged a team of five environmental engineering students from Northeastern University in a multifaceted project to design a new parking lot and arrival experience for the Rock Meadow Conservation Area. This team of co-op students will present their initial design alternative on Tuesday March 10 at 8:00 pm in the Belmont Town Hall.
The project is intended to produce a technical plan for construction of a parking lot which will provide more spaces on a smaller footprint, and address erosion and storm water control, ADA access, environmental education, signage and security.
A re-designed parking lot is one of the projects described in the Rock Meadow Master Plan that was commissioned by the Conservation Commission, with generous support from the Judy Record Conservation Fund, and produced by graduate students from The Conway School in 2019. Building on the Master Plan, the criteria identified by the Northeastern environmental engineering students include:
- Sustainability (green, educational)
- Adaptability (accounting for climate change, redundancy)
- Community satisfaction (aesthetics, meeting community needs)
- Effectiveness (site-specific practicality of treatment)
- Cost (initial, maintenance)
Several design alternatives will be presented for community discussion.
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