Feb 262025
Table of commercial and industrial (C&I) growth provided by Paul Joy.

Each year, the Belmont Citizens Forum asks Select Board candidates questions about issues facing our town. This year, Paul Joy and Taylor Yates provided answers. They were limited to 1,000 words.

Paul Joy

Taylor Yates


About 95% of the property tax levy in Belmont comes from homeowners and 5% from business owners, a ratio that has varied little in decades.

a) Is the development of more business space a realistic solution to Belmont’s financial challenges, with much of the existing commercial space empty or underutilized?

Taylor Yates

There’s meaningful revenue potential in rezoning our business districts, but we must be realistic about the timeline. The initiatives I’ve led—rezoning Belmont Center, rezoning Brighton Street, and crafting a comprehensive development plan—are long-term investments that will take years to fully boost our bottom line. In the meantime, we need to explore a broader range of solutions. Before considering additional overrides or service cuts, we must show taxpayers that we’re proactively seeking new revenue streams.

Paul Joy

Developing additional business space is a realistic solution—if pursued smartly. [Economic planning and real estate consultants] RKG’s post-COVID market analysis [Fiscal Impact Analysis Summary Report, Nvember 2024] shows that leveraging Belmont-specific consumer data can attract diversified businesses to fill vacant spaces. Recent developments, such as the purchase of 60 Leonard Street and Locatelli and Tellier securing new tenants at Belmont Center, prove progress. With the Bradford lawsuit now settled, we must streamline our permitting process, which currently delays projects by three months or more, to support rapid retail, restaurant, and hotel developments. Prioritizing both immediate storefront occupancy and long-term investment is key.

b) The number of empty commercial spaces, both retail and office buildings, convey that Belmont is not prospering or attractive. Does the Select Board have a role in enhancing the business climate in Belmont (or is that exclusively up to the landlords)? If so, how would you encourage the revitalization of Belmont’s business districts?

Paul Joy

The Select Board plays a critical role in enhancing Belmont’s business climate by setting policies that attract investment, even as landlords manage their properties. I propose three key initiatives.

First, parking reform—eliminate restrictive off-street parking requirements, create parking benefit districts, and price parking to encourage turnover, using revenue to fund local improvements like curbs, sidewalks, and parklets.

Second, zoning and permitting reform—streamline processes to reduce delays and expand allowable uses (such as hotels) that diversify our commercial districts.

Third, proactive tenant recruitment by hiring an economic development coordinator to leverage our market analysis and secure grants through Massachusetts’s One Stop for Growth.

With focused Select Board leadership, we can grow Belmont’s economy, create jobs, and improve the town’s finances sustainably.

Taylor Yates

In the summer of 2024, the Planning Board commissioned a fiscal and market analysis to shape our 2025 economic development agenda. The study revealed two key insights:

  1. Retail vacancy isn’t as dire as it seems—while a few high-profile vacancies persist, our submarket’s overall retail vacancy rate is actually only 2.3%, signalling we are a strong destination for businesses.
  2. Beyond retail, Belmont has untapped potential—the town is well-positioned to attract hotels and possibly medical services.

To capitalize on these findings, we can take three strategic actions:

  1. Zone for success—ensure our zoning regulations allow for appropriately designed buildings.
  2. Streamline permitting—modernize processes to make it easier for businesses to navigate approvals.
  3. Integrate housing into retail districts—create built-in foot traffic to support local businesses.

This approach is already in motion through the Belmont Center overlay project, which I’ve led as Planning Board chair. It’s a model for how we can use data-driven strategies, consensus-building, and execution to strengthen Belmont’s economic future. This is the kind of leadership I intend to bring to the Select Board.

c) What scale of development is realistic (e.g., enough to increase commercial tax revenue from 5% to 7, 10, or 15% of the property tax levy)? Can Belmont’s current business districts support that level of growth?

Taylor Yates

Yes, I believe Belmont can achieve a 10% commercial tax base—it will take hard work, time, and a bit of luck, but it’s a goal worth striving for. That said, we can strengthen town finances even faster by taking a broader approach.

For example, senior housing is not only a pressing community need but also a thriving real estate sector and a fiscal win for the town. While commercial real estate remains the backbone of a strong financial future, it’s just one tool in our toolbox. Expanding our vision to include strategic development opportunities will put Belmont on a more sustainable path forward.

Paul Joy

To increase Belmont’s commercial tax base from 5% to a more realistic 7.5% by 2050, we would need to add approximately 1 million square feet of new commercial space (35,000 to 45,000 sq ft per year). This kind of growth is achievable through incremental densification, such as targeting underutilized spaces and increasing height limits, which can be facilitated by zoning and permitting reforms. RKG’s Fiscal Impact Analysis assumes no residential growth, which is unrealistic given our housing needs and the regional housing crisis. However, by focusing on eliminating unnecessary parking requirements and promoting the development of space-efficient retail, office, and hotel uses, Belmont can strike a balance between residential and commercial growth.

Reaching a 7% to 8% share of the property tax levy is realistic (see table), but requires strategic action, including thoughtful zoning and an efficient permitting process to drive the needed commercial development. Ultimately, Belmont’s commercial growth must complement its housing development to create a vibrant, well-balanced community.   

Table of commercial and industrial (C&I) growth provided by Paul Joy.

Table of commercial and industrial (C&I) growth provided by Paul Joy.

d) What outcome should the Select Board seek at the Purecoat / Crate Escape site? Can that property make a significant net revenue contribution?

Paul Joy

Focus must be entirely on the Brighton/Blanchard corridor—specifically the 2.4‑acre Purecoat/Crate Escape site and nearby 15‑acre Hill Estates. This area offers a clear opportunity to boost Belmont’s housing and economic base while achieving a sustainable 7% to 8% commercial tax base. Transforming it into a vibrant, mixed‑use hub will increase tax revenue, create hundreds of jobs, and help resolve issues like traffic congestion, aging infrastructure, and climate resilience. Environmental remediation at Purecoat is essential for safe, long‑term development. Building on lessons from previous zoning debates, we must act decisively this year to set a new standard for sustainable, community‑focused growth immediately.

Taylor Yates

The most likely outcome is a mixed-use residential building, and our goal should be to maximize its financial benefits for the town. That means expanding commercial square footage and allowing for a diverse mix of housing to create a vibrant, revenue-generating development. When done right, this redevelopment can be a major financial boost for Belmont and a transformative improvement for the Brighton Street neighborhood.


As Belmont faces what retiring Select Board member Roy Epstein once called “fiscal Armageddon,” what is the right balance between funding the schools, funding central functions of town government, and funding “elective” programs and services (e.g., library hours and programs, Senior Center services, recreational programs)?

Taylor Yates

As a father of three, I am a strong supporter of our schools and the future of Belmont’s students. One of my first contributions to town government was chairing the Yes for Appointed Treasurer campaign, because I believe professional financial management ensures every taxpayer dollar is used wisely.

I joined the Planning Board—and am now running for Select Board—because I see an opportunity to “grow the pie.” By expanding Belmont’s commercial tax base, we can generate more revenue for our schools and essential town services, reducing the pressure on residential taxpayers while strengthening our community for generations to come.

Paul Joy

Belmont’s fiscal challenges demand a balanced approach that aligns data, logic, and outcomes. Our limited tax base—combined with rising costs in education, core town functions, and citizen services—demands financial discipline. To stimulate growth, we must focus on parking reforms, strategic rezoning along key corridors (including Concord Avenue, Brighton/Blanchard, the Trapelo Corridor, and South Pleasant Street), and modernizing operations through digital government tools.

These measures will drive financially prudent growth, unlocking new revenue streams without overburdening residents. By embracing these practical strategies, we ensure that essential services receive full funding while elective programs benefit from new revenue. This approach rejects inflammatory rhetoric like “fiscal Armageddon” in favor of sustainable, smart investments that secure Belmont’s long‑term future.


What priority do you assign to improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety, limiting traffic, protecting open space, and preserving historic buildings? If those are priorities, what specific measures will you support to improve the status quo?

Paul Joy

Ensuring street safety is the highest priority. I will upgrade critical crosswalks near schools using high‑visibility markings and flashing signals, funded through Safe Streets to Schools and MassWorks grants, and deploy real‑time traffic monitoring to ease congestion in bottleneck areas. For open spaces, I support multiuse green area investments and conservation easements financed in part by parking benefit district revenues. Historic preservation will focus on adaptive reuse to retain Belmont’s heritage while ensuring functionality. This balanced, funded approach enhances safety, improves traffic flow, and preserves our historic character for all residents.

Taylor Yates

Protecting open space and historic buildings is near and dear to my heart. These are the things that define Belmont’s character and make our town as livable as it is. As we rezone key areas, I will stand up for open space and historic preservation so that development preserves and enhances our town’s historic character, open spaces, and our quality of life

Pedestrian and bicyclist safety are key concerns for me. I supported the Pleasant Street crosswalk and continue to support traffic calming measures throughout our town.

Traffic will always be a challenge in Belmont—we’re a natural cut-through town due to our proximity to major job hubs like Cambridge and Watertown. But we don’t have to just accept congestion as a given. I support a strong partnership between the Traffic Advisory Committee and the Planning Board to rethink key streets, improve traffic flow, and implement smart solutions that ease rush-hour bottlenecks while calming out-of-town traffic. With thoughtful planning, we can strike a balance between mobility and livability.


According to the latest EPA data (circa 2022), Belmont’s streams are the dirtiest in the Mystic River Watershed, grading D (Winn Brook) and D+ (Little River). What priority do you assign to cleaning up Belmont’s streams? Do you have any ideas for improving or accelerating Belmont’s current plans to address the problem of sewage seeping into our stormwater system?

Taylor Yates

Belmont must stay on track with critical infrastructure upgrades—replacing aging sewer lines, eliminating combined sewer and stormwater pipes, and completing the capping of the old incinerator site. These projects aren’t just maintenance; they’re essential investments in cleaner water, a healthier environment, and a more resilient community.

Paul Joy

Cleaning up Belmont’s streams is a top priority to protect public health, ecosystems, and property values. We must address sewage leaks from aging infrastructure and illicit connections by deploying advanced robotic inspection tools like SewerAI to pinpoint problems. Funding should come from federal and state sources, including the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, and the new stormwater enterprise fund can finance vital upgrades and promote green infrastructure such as rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavements.


Describe how the town can make progress towards implementation of the decarbonization plan adopted by Town Meeting, green infrastructure projects, the community path, and the town’s affordable housing goals.

Paul Joy

Belmont should expand its Energy Committee into a Comprehensive Sustainability and Energy Committee to integrate decarbonization, green infrastructure, and energy efficiency. The committee will advise on rooftop solar, battery storage, microgrids, and pursue grants for decarbonizing municipal buildings and electrifying heating systems. Leveraging statewide funding and committee expertise, Belmont can progress its decarbonization plan, green infrastructure projects, community path, and affordable housing goals, driving long‑term environmental and economic benefits for our community.

Taylor Yates

I support getting the community path built through Belmont to remove cars and improve public health.  I will work with the Municipal Light Board to ensure that Belmont’s energy comes from non-carbon sources and that heat pump and EV programs can be expanded.

I support the Housing Authority in its efforts to rebuild Sherman Gardens and Belmont Village. We took an important step forward by including these properties in the MBTA Communities Act, and I look forward to the advancement of these redevelopments.

Is it time for a new comprehensive plan for Belmont, updating the 2010 plan? (The Planning Board has issued an RFP for consulting services to develop such a plan.)  How should the town be implementing the decarbonization plan adopted by Town Meeting, green infrastructure projects, the community path, and the town’s affordable housing goals?

Taylor Yates

I have been advocating for updating the 10-year comprehensive plan since 2019. As chair of the Planning Board, putting one on the 2025 agenda was one of my first acts. A comprehensive plan brings together the various functions of town government to tackle things like economic development, climate change, the community path, and affordable housing. It is the foundation for a collaborative effort by town government to implement a vision for a better Belmont.

Paul Joy

Belmont’s 2010 plan is outdated. We need a modern, integrated comprehensive plan that aligns decarbonization, green infrastructure, the community path, and housing affordability. This new strategy should accelerate renewable energy adoption, energy‑efficient building practices, and sustainable growth. We must secure fair, permanent easement agreements for the community path, including at Belmont Center. Streamlining permitting and modernizing development practices—such as eliminating parking minimums—will enable Belmont to meet today’s needs while anticipating future challenges.


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