
Why Care About Removing Invasive Plants?

 Environment, November 2022, Open Space, Plants  Comments Off on Why Care About Removing Invasive Plants?
Oct 312022
Why Care About Removing Invasive Plants?

By Joseph Hibbard and Jeffrey North The Belmont Citizens Forum Newsletter has been printing articles about the perils and poisons of non-native invasive plant species on these pages for years. Readers have learned that garlic mustard changes the chemistry of the soil to gain an advantage over other plant species in forest and edge areas. Our article on black swallowwort described that plant’s deadly toxicity to Monarch butterfly larvae that mistakenly consume it instead of nourishing native milkweed. We have described how Asiatic bittersweet rapidly climbs native trees, blocks the sunlight, and eventually topples the tree while changing our viewsheds. [READ MORE]


Have You Read the Collins Center Report?

 Newsletter, November 2022, Town Committee Meetings  Comments Off on Have You Read the Collins Center Report?
Oct 312022

By Jeffrey North Belmont is a relatively affluent community. Massachusetts Department of Revenue figures in FY2022 show that Belmont’s income per capita was $98,942. This figure is very close to the average income for residents of six comparable towns and significantly higher than the Massachusetts per capita income of $46,062. Yet Belmont is the 10th most expensive place in Massachusetts to own a home, while per-capita incomes ranked only 22nd in the state.  The average Belmont homeowner can expect to pay $15,568 annually in property taxes, or approximately 15.73% of Belmont’s per-capita income. Among 12 comparable towns, Belmont has the [READ MORE]

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MBTA Zoning May Change Belmont

 Construction and Housing, Newsletter, November 2022  Comments Off on MBTA Zoning May Change Belmont
Oct 312022
MBTA Zoning May Change Belmont

By David Chase Belmont is an MBTA community. A new state law (Section 3A of MGL c. 40A) requires MBTA communities to have at least one zoning district of “reasonable size” and a minimum gross density of at least 15 units per acre within half a mile of commuter rail, subway, ferry, or bus station. The law specifies various formulas based on population and area that attempt to quantify “reasonable.” The zoning district must not have any restrictions that would make it unsuitable for families with children.  Belmont must have an Action Plan complete by January 31, 2023, and submit [READ MORE]


Electric Buses Are Coming to Belmont

 Climate Change, Newsletter, November 2022  Comments Off on Electric Buses Are Coming to Belmont
Oct 272022
Electric Buses Are Coming to Belmont

By Brian Kopperl and Roger Wrubel With the right conditions, electric school buses (EV) can replace the familiar diesel school bus at a cost that is both financially and environmentally attractive. EV buses are quieter than diesel and healthier, too, and all the major bus manufacturers, from Thomas and Bluebird to Lion, now make them. Other Massachusetts  towns like Beverly, Dracut, and Acton already have their electric fleets in operation or on order; Belmont should too.   The Energy Committee has encouraged Belmont schools to start a phased transition by including three EV buses (out of 10 expected total buses) [READ MORE]


Belmont Goes Electric! Will You?

 November 2022, Solar Power  Comments Off on Belmont Goes Electric! Will You?
Oct 272022
Belmont Goes Electric! Will You?

By Claire Hlotyak I had the chance to attend the Belmont Goes Electric Home & Garden Event in September. Presented by Belmont Light, the Belmont Energy Committee, and Sustainable Belmont, this event showcased options including electric vehicles, heat pump systems, and native plant gardens, and the Stihl company presented battery-operated yard equipment.  I spoke with a few members of Healthy Lawns Belmont about the importance of biodiversity in our lawns and gardens. One of the main issues with lawns is that they are a monoculture, meaning there is only one type of plant in a particular area. Healthy Lawns Belmont [READ MORE]


How Belmont Can Switch to Electric Vehicles

 Climate Change, Newsletter, November 2022  Comments Off on How Belmont Can Switch to Electric Vehicles
Oct 272022
How Belmont Can Switch to Electric Vehicles

By Roger Wrubel and Brian Kopperl If Belmont is to reach its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 80% of 2007 levels by 2050, all sectors of the community must do their part. The Belmont Energy Committee has proposed an “EV First” policy requiring the town to consider electric vehicles (EVs) for all lightweight vehicle purchases. The policy allows for exemption requests by departments if EVs do not meet their needs or are too expensive.  We collected data on the concerns of town staff in transitioning to EVs. We analyzed each of these concerns: lack of EV charging infrastructure, [READ MORE]


November/December 22 Newsletter

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Oct 272022
November/December 22 Newsletter

Read the November December 2022 BCF Newsletter In this issue: How Belmont Can Switch to Electric Vehicles If Belmont is to reach its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 80% of 2007 levels by 2050, all sectors of the community must do their part. The Belmont Energy Committee has proposed an “EV First” policy requiring the town to consider electric vehicles (EVs) for all lightweight vehicle purchases. Read more. Electric Buses Are Coming to Belmont With the right conditions, electric school buses (EV) can replace the familiar diesel school bus at a cost that is both financially and environmentally [READ MORE]

 Posted by at 12:35 pm

Belmont’s Invasive Species: Ailanthus

 Environment, Lone Tree Hill, Newsletter, Open Space, Plants, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Belmont’s Invasive Species: Ailanthus
Sep 102022
Belmont’s Invasive Species: Ailanthus

By Jeffrey North Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), typically called ailanthus, is a rapacious deciduous tree native to China. It was first introduced into the United States when it was imported as an ornamental plant to Philadelphia in 1784 and later to New York in 1820. On the West Coast, immigrants brought the plant from Asia and planted it in California in the 1850s. The tree was initially valued as a fast-growing ornamental shade tree that was tolerant of poor soils and a broad range of site conditions. It tolerates vehicle exhaust and other air pollution quite nicely. It was widely planted [READ MORE]


Letter to the Editor, September 2022

 Construction and Housing, Newsletter, Open Space, Parking, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Letter to the Editor, September 2022
Sep 092022
Letter to the Editor, September 2022

To the BCF editor: Anne Paulsen’s recent column [“Do We Need a High School Parking Lot?” BCF Newsletter, July 2022] argued that if parking were eliminated west of Harris Field, then there would be “plenty of room for tennis courts and some open space as well.” Whether tennis and a rink could both fit has been studied intensively by numerous informed parties: the High School Building Committee, a sports architect from Perkins+Will, rink architect Ted Galante, the Select Board, the School Committee, and the Preliminary Rink Design Committee.  None of these efforts found a layout that could accommodate a rink, [READ MORE]


Regionalization Could Boost Services

 Newsletter, Sept/Oct 2022, Town Committee Meetings  Comments Off on Regionalization Could Boost Services
Sep 092022

By Aaron Pikcilingis and Paul Rickter Providing high-quality town services amid budgetary constraints requires us to use every strategy at our disposal. The Structural Change Impact Group (SCIG) was charged with evaluating potential strategies that could reduce costs, improve efficiency, or improve the quality of service for our town. Of the strategies we evaluated, regionalizing town services is one of the most promising. Belmont already participates in several regional arrangements, but the SCIG identified new opportunities for consideration.   Benefits of Regionalized Town Services Reduced costs  Regionalized municipalities can benefit from group purchasing because individually, smaller municipalities don’t buy enough [READ MORE]


Alewife Brook, Little Pond Get D Grades Again

 Environment, Newsletter, Sept/Oct 2022, Sewers, Water Quality  Comments Off on Alewife Brook, Little Pond Get D Grades Again
Sep 092022
Alewife Brook, Little Pond Get D Grades Again

By Meg Muckenhoupt In 1972, the Clean Water Act called for all waterways to be “fishable and swimmable” by 1983, and for all pollution discharges to end by 1985. That still hasn’t happened, as is shown by the new annual water quality report card issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the Mystic River in July. All of Belmont’s brooks received a D or D+ grade because they failed to meet state E. coli bacteria standards for boating in 45% to 55% of samples taken in 2021. Site 2021 2014 Grade Total Grade Total Alewife Brook D 47% D [READ MORE]


Belmont Bus Routes to Shift in Spring 2023

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Sep 092022
Belmont Bus Routes to Shift in Spring 2023

By Meg Muckenhoupt Belmont’s mass transit users may have very different travel options under the MBTA’s proposed Bus Network Redesign. The MBTA is proposing changes including eliminating the the #74 bus route to Harvard Square and adding a new #54 bus route from Arlington Center to Riverside, Newton. You can view the complete proposal presented at Belmont’s July 28 Traffic Advisory Committee meeting at The new routes will be rolled out in 2023. Belmont residents have repeatedly expressed concerns about the new #54 route which runs from Belmont Center through the tunnel under the commuter rail tracks and down [READ MORE]

 Posted by at 4:14 pm

Spare a Thought for Lone Tree Hill

 Environment, Lone Tree Hill, Newsletter, Open Space, Plants, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Spare a Thought for Lone Tree Hill
Sep 092022
Spare a Thought for Lone Tree Hill

By Dean Hickman and Leonard Katz  Between Pleasant Street and Trapelo Road to the south, Concord Avenue to the north, and Mill Street to the west, Lone Tree Hill wraps around McLean Hospital and sits above Belmont, providing us with a peaceful and secluded mix of woods and meadows where we can escape the hustle and bustle of suburban life down below. It is also Belmont’s gateway to Rock Meadow on the other side of Mill Street as well as to the more secluded trails of the Western Greenway which head west into neighboring Waltham and Lexington. Anyone looking for [READ MORE]


Town Plans Sustainable Library

 Newsletter, Open Space, Parking, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Town Plans Sustainable Library
Sep 092022
Town Plans Sustainable Library

By Marty Bitner and Clair Colburn  The proposed new library, designed by Oudens Ello Architecture, is an all-electric, highly sustainable building, but what are those sustainable features? What is the process of designing a holistically sustainable building? Right-Sizing Buildings contribute to 40% of global energy consumption and 33% of greenhouse gas emissions. Since heating buildings is the largest source of carbon emissions in Belmont, the first goal in sustainability is to make sure that our new library is no larger than it needs to be. Having the right size building means that space is not being unnecessarily heated and cooled [READ MORE]


Wicked Hot Mystic Maps Summer Heat

 Air Quality, Climate Change, Environment, Newsletter, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Wicked Hot Mystic Maps Summer Heat
Sep 092022
Wicked Hot Mystic Maps Summer Heat

Detail of a map of surface temperatures recorded by Wicked Hot Mystic, a collaborative project of the Museum of Science, Boston, in partnership with the Resilient Mystic River Collaborative (RMC), Mystic River Watershed Association, and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council. On August 12 and 13, 2021, over 80 volunteers joined MOS and MyRWA in measuring ground-level air temperature, humidity, and air particulate matter using special sensors mounted on cars and bikes. This data was collected August 12 at 3 pm. Note that the McLean conservation land is 10F cooler than surrounding areas.    For more information see


Reflections on “Belmont’s Fiscal Cliff”

 Newsletter, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Reflections on “Belmont’s Fiscal Cliff”
Sep 092022

By Vincent Stanton, Jr. Although “Belmont’s Looming Fiscal Cliff” makes several important points about Belmont’s tax base, some of the details should be clarified for BCF readers.  Lexington and Watertown have both recently raised taxes, largely driven by the construction of new schools. Lexington’s most recent tax increase was in June 2022, when voters approved a debt exclusion to fund a $35.2 million new police station. The average tax bill is expected to increase by $258/year in the first year. Previously, in December 2017, Lexington voters approved debt exclusions for two new schools and a new fire station with an [READ MORE]


Why We are Running a Pro-Development Piece

 Newsletter, Sept/Oct 2022  Comments Off on Why We are Running a Pro-Development Piece
Sep 092022

By Vincent Stanton, Jr. Long-time readers of the Newsletter may be surprised to see an article proposing more intensive development in Belmont. The Belmont Citizens Forum was created in 2000 by a group of residents who opposed the scale of development proposed by McLean Hospital on its Belmont Hill campus—initially over 1,000,000 square feet. Much of that development has not transpired, as commercial property developers have not found the McLean location attractive. The McLean development proposed in the late 1990s came with the promise of substantial new revenue. Specifically, in 1999 the town’s financial impact consultant estimated that the McLean [READ MORE]

Sep 092022
Belmont is Sitting on a Fiscal Cliff

By Max Colice, Elizabeth Dionne, and Dan Barry Belmont is effectively insolvent. It cannot pay its operating expenses and pension debt without one-time federal aid. Compounding this problem, Belmont’s operating expenses are rising faster than its revenue. Unless Belmont increases its revenue, the town may have to cut services drastically.  Like every other town in Massachusetts, Belmont’s revenue comes mainly from property taxes. The Board of Assessors assesses each property’s value, then computes the property tax by multiplying the property value by the property tax rate. Even though Belmont’s property tax rate is relatively low, its single-family property tax bill [READ MORE]


September/October 22 Newsletter

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Sep 092022
September/October 22 Newsletter

Read the September/October 22 Newsletter In this issue: Belmont is Sitting on a Fiscal Cliff Belmont is effectively insolvent. Unless Belmont increases its revenue, the town may have to cut services drastically. Read more. Why We are Running a Pro-Development Piece Long-time readers of the Newsletter may be surprised to see an article proposing more intensive development in Belmont. Read more. Reflections on “Belmont’s Fiscal Cliff” Although “Belmont’s Looming Fiscal Cliff” makes several important points about Belmont’s tax base, some of the details should be clarified for BCF readers. Read more. Wicked Hot Mystic Maps Summer Heat On August 12 [READ MORE]

 Posted by at 11:00 am

Volunteers Battle Invasives

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Jun 212022
Volunteers Battle Invasives

On Saturday mornings in May and June, Lone Tree Hill’s Invasives Working Group led volunteers removing black swallowwort and garlic mustard from areas near Mill Street and in Lone Tree HiIll’s Barn area, which abuts Rock Meadow’s driveway, parking lot, and entrance path.  To volunteer for work in July and August (which may shift to different times, species, and areas), email Leonard Katz:

 Posted by at 1:55 pm