May 062019
New Plans for McLean Land

Density is key issue as town considers proposals for two McLean campus parcels By Sue Bass Twenty years ago, Belmont voted to allow development on McLean Hospital land on Belmont Hill. The town-wide referendum of July 1999 endorsed the previous Town Meeting vote to change zoning for 238 acres. The largest portion for new construction became the Woodlands, 121 luxury townhouses on twenty-six acres. Another portion became Waverley Woods, 40 units of affordable housing on an acre and a third. Some land was preserved from construction. One hundred and twenty acres were set aside for open space, and fourteen acres [READ MORE]


Frozen Water in Belmont: Stories of Imagination and Unexpected Consequences

 Environment, History, Jan/Feb 2019, Newsletter  Comments Off on Frozen Water in Belmont: Stories of Imagination and Unexpected Consequences
Jan 142019
Frozen Water in Belmont: Stories of Imagination and Unexpected Consequences

By Anne-Marie Lambert Belmont would not be the town we know today without ice. Glaciers a mile high carved local hills and valleys to create a wetlands attractive to migrating wildlife. The unusual behavior of frozen water molecules ensured not just game-hunting but also ice fishing would support a substantial Native American population for thousands of years. Harsh winters necessitated both innovation and cooperation among tribes to ensure survival. By 1820 local ice men descended from European settlers started to innovate in different ways. They shipped ice to warm places as far away as Calcutta, employing local farm hands to [READ MORE]
