Belmont’s Section 3A Rezoning Process Explained – Summary

 Construction and Housing, May/June 2024, Newsletter  Comments Off on Belmont’s Section 3A Rezoning Process Explained – Summary
Apr 292024
Belmont's Section 3A Rezoning Process Explained - Summary

By Doug Koplow A longer version of this article is available. Belmont is undergoing a significant rezoning process in response to the state’s MBTA Communities Act, commonly referred to as Section 3A. This law, passed in January 2021, aims to increase housing stock across 177 communities served by the MBTA, including Belmont. It mandates changes to local zoning requirements to allow for increased construction of multifamily housing. It sets quantitative targets for the number of housing units, acreage covered, density, and the minimum size of a rezoned area. Because Belmont is classified as a commuter rail community, we must meet [READ MORE]


MBTA Zoning May Change Belmont

 Construction and Housing, Newsletter, November 2022  Comments Off on MBTA Zoning May Change Belmont
Oct 312022
MBTA Zoning May Change Belmont

By David Chase Belmont is an MBTA community. A new state law (Section 3A of MGL c. 40A) requires MBTA communities to have at least one zoning district of “reasonable size” and a minimum gross density of at least 15 units per acre within half a mile of commuter rail, subway, ferry, or bus station. The law specifies various formulas based on population and area that attempt to quantify “reasonable.” The zoning district must not have any restrictions that would make it unsuitable for families with children.  Belmont must have an Action Plan complete by January 31, 2023, and submit [READ MORE]

Dec 302020
Building Booms on Belmont's Border

By Meg Muckenhoupt Since aggressively upzoning the Alewife area a decade ago, Cambridge has permitted hundreds of thousands of square feet of new development in the Quadrangle neighborhood adjacent to Belmont, and bordered by Fresh Pond Parkway, Fitchburg line railroad tracks—and Concord Avenue. Now, even more development could solve some long-standing transportation issues, or it could make getting out of Belmont or traveling around the entire Fresh Pond area even more difficult. Why build in the Quadrangle now? Unlike the rest of Cambridge, the Quadrangle has a history of sparse development. Originally one of the lowest-lying areas of the Mystic [READ MORE]


Construction Continues on the Uplands

 March 2016, Newsletter  Comments Off on Construction Continues on the Uplands
Mar 152016
Construction Continues on the Uplands

By Anne-Marie Lambert The first red-winged blackbirds now returning to the fields by Little River may not think much of the “wildlife habitat replication area” alongside the newly constructed buildings at the Uplands. This newly seeded replication area sits between the former Little River, now a large drainage ditch next to Frontage Road, and one of the four-story Tyvek-wrapped buildings that comprise The Royal, formerly named The Residences at Acorn Park. In a contested 2014 ruling, the Massachusetts Superior Court determined that this replication area (next to what amounts to a Route 2 drainage ditch running under Acorn Park Drive) [READ MORE]


Letter to the Editor: A Single Station at Pleasant Street

 January 2016, Newsletter, Transit  Comments Off on Letter to the Editor: A Single Station at Pleasant Street
Jan 132016
Letter to the Editor: A Single Station at Pleasant Street

To the Editor: My first encounter with Belmont was commuting to Belmont Center from North Station as a co-op student working on a census project. In the 70’s it was the most convenient way to reach Belmont without a car. One of the things I loved about the commute was the Belmont Center train station, which is now the Lion’s Club. The elimination of station buildings like Belmont Center has been part of a cultural shift as well as a simple reaction to the economics of staffing and maintenance. Since this comfortable station building has been closed, more often commuters [READ MORE]
