Letter to the Editor: Roundabouts

 Bicycles and bike paths, January/February 2025, Newsletter, Traffic  Comments Off on Letter to the Editor: Roundabouts
Jan 032025
Letter to the Editor: Roundabouts

To the Editor: I am looking at the September/October BCF Newsletter article, “Town Works to Make Streets Safer for All,” with plans for the roundabouts on Concord Avenue at Winter and Mill Streets. I favor roundabouts for the sake of traffic safety, and so I am in favor of most of the project. The drawings, however, show a bikeway along the southwest side of Concord Avenue, narrow at the ends and widening as it passes two roundabouts, where there are crosswalks, and ending on Mill Street. The bikeway serves only eastbound bicycle traffic. A sidewalk is shown on the northeast [READ MORE]


Letter to the Editor: Traffic at McLean

 Newsletter, November/December 2024, Traffic  Comments Off on Letter to the Editor: Traffic at McLean
Oct 282024
Letter to the Editor: Traffic at McLean

To the Editor; On June 26, Belmont Town Meeting approved the amended Traffic Monitoring and Mitigation Agreement between Belmont and McLean Hospital. Part of the agreement is to improve the intersection of McLean Drive and Mill Street. The plan is to install adaptive traffic signals at the intersection that use a camera and software to control the lights based on what is needed on a moment-by-moment basis. In 2017, a high school student who needed community service credits and I spent the summer counting cars to estimate the cut-through traffic in Belmont during the morning rush. We did good work. [READ MORE]
